Release your children into adulthood
with confidence and hope.

Live Zoom Calls
Optional Private Facebook Group
Faith - Emotions - Boundaries
All Calls Recorded for Replay
Does this sound familiar?
I didn't know this season would be this hard.
I thought our family would stay close.

Will I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells?
I don't know how to stop worrying
I hope my kids know how much I love them.
It's a good thing God knows what He's doing because I sure don't!

Marcy Holder
Certified Life Breakthrough Coach
B. S. Education
Writer, Speaker, Coach
Proud Mom of 3
Hi, I'm Marcy
I help moms move forward as kids move out!
I know what it feels like to wonder if my family would scatter and lose touch. I've driven away from a college campus and felt anxious that my child would never call home or ever want to be around me again. I've experienced conflict with my children that I feared was beyond repair.
My intentions were good. I believed God could heal the brokenness in our family. But because I was afraid of losing them, I hung on tighter. I tried to manage their behavior and even their emotions. And without meaning to, I made things worse.
Guess what happened, though. God DID heal the brokenness in our family but not until he started healing me first! (read how below)
Today, while our family is far from perfect, I can tell you that when I shifted my focus from controlling my children to managing myself, I saw my kids begin to respect me and communicate more. It hasn't been easy but the relationships I have with them now are so worth the work.
Are you ready to be a Mom who Goes First? Then Let's DO THIS!!!
change doesn't happen overnight
IMAGINE the relief of knowing the next step.
Strengthen Faith
Trade fear and anxiety for hope even when circumstances are hard. Actually, trust God with your children and then live and relate to them like you mean it! Be INSPIRED to get up every day and recognize where God is moving in your family.
Stabilize Emotions
ERASE guilt! Remain calm and focused when conflict pops up. Identify a clear path forward when your thoughts start racing. Respond with kindness when your child faces natural consequences. Get rid of the feeling that it's your job to fix everything!
Loving Boundaries
Effective boundaries aren't complicated. You can be confident that your boundaries are effective. Learn a unique formula to determine the when, what, why, and how of creating healthy parameters that streamline communication and create freedom for you and your child.

A powerful avenue to learn new techniques as you shift the way you think, and how you talk and interact with your child.
You'll gain insights and helpful information so you can approach old issues with a fresh perspective allowing you to hope again!
Whether you sit back and observe other moms being coached or decide to jump in the 'hot seat', you'll experience personal growth in a supportive environment.
Live Zoom calls 3 times per month include teaching and time for Q&A. You'll receive practical guidance to help you change it up with your young adult and start building a strong foundation for the future.
Build confidence as you get real-world ideas for daily issues that you face during this season.
Let's face it, this stage of parenting can be overwhelming and lonely. In our private group, you'll meet other women who are facing some of the same challenges that you are!
You decide how much to engage, but just knowing you have a community behind you can be empowering.
Within our group, you'll have the opportunity to practice with other moms the communication techniques you learn on our live calls. Think of it as a lab to grow your skills!
The concepts you'll learn are rooted in the truth that God created us to live in community together but they'll help you put feet to your faith!
Whether you're just starting to explore the idea of faith in Jesus or established in your belief, the groundwork for healthy spirituality and relationships apply to everyone.
In this program, you'll learn to integrate faith and action as you learn to discern next steps that apply to your personal circumstances for years to come.

Moms lead with their lives
Moms don't give up
Moms go first
Let me help you jump start your HOPE!
Live Zoom Calls
Optional Private Facebook Community
All calls recorded for replay
Moms Go First coaching membership is the perfect opportunity for moms who would appreciate support and encouragement through the journey of empty nesting. With 3 live coaching sessions per month, you'll have access to insight and practical ideas on topics like communication, boundaries, faith, and feeling like yourself again. Plus, our authentic, private Facebook group is a space for you to connect with other moms in the same stage of life. With Moms Go First, you don't have to feel alone on your parenting journey!